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Dr. Vesuvius's Battle of Middleburn

In between posting my solo clix battle reports (tomorrow, it's the Young Avengers vs. Attuma's Atlanteans), I want to draw attention to cool blogs that are posting other great big battles during Solo Tabletop Gaming Appreciation Month.

Over at The Axis of Naughtiness, Dr. Vesuvius wanted me to invite everyone to check out his battle reports for a tremendously fun Rally Round the King campaign - the Novembre Civil War...

From the Dr.:
I'm playing this relatively fast and loose - not calculating detailed points values or army lists, and pretty much assigning troop stats and the like on the fly. Even the map and the whole setting of Novembre was created out of whole cloth yesterday in about an hour. Instead of spending too much time in preparation and background work, as an experiment I'm trying to just get stuck in and play, and letting the background fluff evolve naturally out of the games.

Head on over!

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