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Carsten's Mythic Adventures, Part 4

Continuing from Part 3, here are the final scenes Carsten sent to me so far:

Scene 5, Chaos 7:
The Never To Late is sitting in the hangar deck on board the strike cruiser. A stormtrooper boarding squad prepares to board the ship. An imperial officer is waiting outside his ship to question Ash.

The setup is altered. How (complex)? persecute victory (how fitting). Interpretation: The Empire is persecuting Ash because of their victory. Looks like Ash is in for a hard treatment. The setup is altered as follows: No officer is waiting for Ash at the moment and the stormtroopers immediately board his ship forcefully.

The ship barely touched down as Ash hears the characteristic noise of a high powered fusion cutter as a squad of stormtroopers begins to cut right through the hull! “What the hell?! I just explained everything to these guys.” he was thinking out loud. A few seconds later the hull was cut. A squad of stormtroopers storms in through the cut, laying down a field of cover fire while advancing, moving in with a precise and coordinated tactical advance. There was no talking. Only the sound of armored boots on metal plating.

Do the stormtroopers use the stun setting (sure thing)? Yes.

Ash recognizes the blue blaster bolts as stun bolts. Oh well, he might as well make it easy for them. Ash walks from the cockpit into the corridor, hands up, right into the volley of stun bolts. Everything around him turns dark as he falls to the floor...

End of Scene.
Chaos: decreases to 6
NPCs: unknown ambushers, Mr. Smith, Galvin Exports Fishing Company, Mr. Smiths superiors, the Empire, Rebel Alliance, Stormtroopers
Threads: chart new hyperspace route (open), try to replace the lost beacons (open), get out of the imperial clutches (open)

Scene 6, Chaos 6:
Ash wakes up in interrogation and is questioned by an imperial officer.

The Scene is interrupted: Focus: The Empire. Adversity Death (ups). We have to clarify this somewhat. Is the interrupt scene negative for the hero (Since a lot depends on the outcome I will ignore the chaos factor and assign even 50/50 chances, since this question is also not part of the actual scene but needed to determine the nature of the interrupt scene. Roll 1d6, a 1-3 is a Yes)? Rolled a 5, lucky me. No, the scene is not negative for the hero. Hmm, lets think about this for a moment. I interpret the meaning as “an adversity that leads to or causes death”. The focus means, that the Empire is somehow involved. Got it! After the battle, the Imperials jumped to lightspeed, the astrogator on one of the strike cruisers screwed up and the two cruisers collide as they want to jump to lightspeed, wrecking each other.

Ash wakes up slowly, his arms and legs are still pretty numb. His head is pounding....What's that smell? Smoke? What the hell happened? The last thing he remembered was the Stormtroopers boarding his ship. He is lying on the ground. He turns his head, slowly. His vision is still blurry. Next to him there are two dead bodies. Stormtroopers. One of them has severe plasma burns, his plastoid armor is reduced to a melted blob. The other one was crushed by a collapsed bulkhead.
What's that noise? Alarms. The whole corridor is dark, only dimly lit by red emergency lightning. Cables and conduits are ripped out of the walls, sparking and fuming. The whole area is covered in smoke that hurts Ash's lungs. Ash tries to pull himself together to get his bearings.

Former College Football Player vs. TN 3. I figure since target numbers are subjective in Risus, in regard to the cliche used, it is child's play for a former football jock. They get knocked down all the time. I figure I could also use his Handsome and Daring Corellian cliche, since he is quick and agile, but I find Former College Football Player more fitting. Success.

He shakes his head and gets back on his feet. After a short moment of bracing himself against the bulkhead he is back in the game.

Is the strike cruiser drifting dead in space (somewhat likely)? Yes.
Is the strike cruiser abandoned (unlikely)? Yes. Cowards.
Is Ash's ship still in the hangar (50/50)? No. Damn!
Are there any escape capsules left (very unlikely)? No.
Other craft (unlikely)? No. Poor Ash.

Quickly, he assesses the situation. Smuggler roll vs. TN 10, success. It seems like something went seriously wrong. Ash has been traveling the space lanes long enough to recognize a ship drifting dead in space by the sounds it makes or in this case, not makes. This ship is drifting dead in space.
It is also awfully quiet. No emergency repair teams running about. No emergency announcements.
No announcements at all. No crew running around. Just dead bodies, sparking and fuming conduits, smoke and emergency lighting. “My ship!” he thought and races for the hangar deck. He enters it and is stunned by the picture of destruction before him. A whole section of outer hull is ripped of the ship.
Only a blue shimmering emergency forcefield, which immediately sealed of the section, prevented the complete depressurization and destruction of the ship. He could stare right through the rift into the endless blackness of space. And his ship was gone! “Damn those imperial bastards!” he shouted out loud for nobody to hear. He ran to a console which was still working and checked the carried craft complement. Only TIE-Fighters, nothing deep space worthy. And all escape capsules are gone! Looks like everybody jumped ship. Ash races for the engineering section.

Can he get there without difficulties (unlikely)? No.
He was stopped dead in his tracks by a large section that was depressurized and sealed of by emergency bulkheads. Alright, the bridge then.
Can he get there (50/50)? Yes.

This time he was lucky. Since the bridge is one of the primary targets in a space battle, it is more heavily shielded and fortified and has a lot of emergency access tunnels. After some crawling around Ash makes it to the bridge, which he finds also deserted. Quickly he pulls up a status report from an engineering console. He had a bad feeling about this and he wanted to make sure.

Is the ship about to be destroyed because structural integrity is failing and the force fields are about to collapse (Near Sure Thing, otherwise the crew would not have abandoned it)? Yes.
Just as he thought. The main reactor was destroyed, the hyperdrive blown away and the whole ship was running on the last drops of emergency power. He had to think of something fast. Got it! Ash races through the ship again, this time he is heading for the armory. Before he left, he transmits an emergency call that he sets to automatic repetition, transmitting his coordinates.
Can he get there (50/50)? Yes.
Are there any spacetrooper suits in the armory (somewhat likely)? Yes. Lucky Ash, otherwise he would really be in trouble.

Finally, he was lucky. With no ship, no escape capsules, no power and a collapsing ship, this was his last option. Quickly he climbed into the sealed body glove and sealed the heavy and bulky spacetrooper armor. Spacetrooper armor was basically a small man-sized ship or escape capsule. An armored spacesuit complete with life support, weaponry, thrusters, missile launchers and fusion cutter. And his slim chance of survival. He checks the power gauge. The suit is fully charged, giving him 12 hours of life support and oxygen. Alright then. Ash was about to experience the worst nightmare of every spacer. Being stranded all alone in the vacuum of space, just floating around in a spacesuit. He checks his internal comlink, his external antenna and transmitter and all the seals. The suit gives him all green. In the bulky suit he clumsily makes his way to the nearest emergency hatch and ejects himself into the blackness of space, using his thrusters to give him momentum away from the dying strike cruiser...

End of Scene.
Chaos: increases to 7, even though things didn't go well Ash was still pretty much in control and not a lot of action happened
NPCs: unknown ambushers, Mr. Smith, Galvin Exports Fishing Company, Mr. Smiths superiors, the Empire, Rebel Alliance, Stormtroopers
Threads: chart new hyperspace route (open), try to replace the lost beacons (open), survive in outer space (open)

To be continued...

And that's all for now! What a stellar job for Carsten's first time trying out Mythic! The adventure should serve as insightful inspiration for anyone who hasn't tried out Mythic with their favorite system. Carsten really did well articulating moments of tricky interpretation.

Thanks, Carsten!

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