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Carsten's Mythic Adventures, Part 2

Continuing from Carsten's observations on Mythic adventures is his Star Wars/Mythic/Risus adventure. Here's Carsten's set-up and the first scene:

A Smuggler's Tale 
A Star Wars adventure powered by Risus,
using the Mythic GME Character Creation and House Rules

• Characters are created using 10 dice, no funky dice are used.
• Hooks and Tales are used, pumping cliches is used, no double-pumpable cliches are used.
• Combat or multi-action conflicts are resolved using the "Best of Set" rules, counting only the single highest die of the roll.
• Special equipment is handled either as bonus dice gear or provides Questing Dice or Lucky Shots. If handled as bonus dice gear it works as follows: In a single action contest, all dice are rolled but only a number of dice equal to the hero's cliche value are counted. Example: A hero has a cliche value of 4 and a two dice equipment bonus. He rolls 6 dice but adds only 4 dice together. In combat or multi-action conflicts the "Best of Set" rules are used, counting only the single highest die from all dice rolled. Dice don't cancel each other out. If both sides have the same single highest die, the round goes to the side who rolled the
fewest dice.
• Player characters use the following cliche distribution template: Race (2), Class (4), Other (3), Other (1). If Hooks and Tales provide additional dice, these can be added to any category or traded in for Lucky Shots or Questing Dice. A value of 4 is the starting maximum in a cliche.

Mythic Rules:
• A custom Star Wars Event Focus Table is used.
• Custom tables are used to generate locations and NPCs.
• Double rolls always generate a random event, no matter what the CF.
• The Chaos Factor is used in an opposite way, meaning if the scene was action packed or out of control it is lowered and if the scene was calm and in control it is raised.
• Whenever possible, questions have to be asked in such a fashion that a "Yes" answer generates the more action oriented result.
• Game mechanics are written in italic. Success and failure always refers to the hero's rolls.

Ren Ashfield – The Hero
A corellian male of 31 years with a sharp wit and quick reflexes. Has brown hair, wears a brown leather coat, black pants and boots and a quick-draw holster with a BlasTech DL-44 heavy blaster pistol. Likes to chew on cold cigars.
Handsome and Daring Corellian (2): being handsome, taking risks, bragging about the superiority of corellian starships, having quick reflexes, being agile, talking to the ladies, making wise-ass remarks
Gunslinging Smuggler with a Natural Talent for Flying (4): shooting blaster pistols, shooting first, flying souped up space transports, making jury-rig repairs, modifying starships, appraising contraband, hiding contraband, knowing a few maneuvers, bribing custom officials, understanding alien gibberish, being well-traveled, brawling, looking cool, plotting courses through asteroid fields, astrogating
Fast-Talking Well-Connected Man of the Streets (4): talking his way into and out of trouble, lying, bluffing, gathering information, knowing his way around in big cities, having contacts, making contacts, playing sabbacc, cheating at sabbacc, turn up smuggling contracts, sneaking through dark alleys, fighting dirty, bargaining
Former College Football Player (1): running fast, throwing footballs, catching footballs, warming the bench, making out with cheerleaders
Hook: Ren Ashfield owes 25.000 credits to a Rodian crime lord and needs to pay him back very soon,
otherwise a bounty will be placed on his head.
Tools of the Trade: souped up YT-2400 transport, DL-44 blaster pistol, comlink, credchips, toolkit, medpacs, datapad, deck of sabbacc cards
Cash: 7600

Scene 1, Chaos 5:
Ren is sitting in a shady cantina on an out of the way Outer Rim planet, trying to turn up a smuggling contract.
The Planet Galvin in the Outer Rim, a corporate-owned, water-covered ocean world which consists mainly of water with only a few small islands dotting the planet surface (randomly generated). The planets inhabitants consist mainly of enslaved aquatic Mon Calamari that have to work for the ruthless Galvin Exports Fishing Company.
An Outer Rim corporation, that secured an exclusive and very profitable contract supplying the imperial military machine with food, specifically delicate fish for the high-ranking officers and high-protein concentrate combat rations for the common soldier.
The planet provides only a limited service starport for the public while the company's freighters use secured corporate starports. The planet's main function is agriculture in the form of extensive and highly automated fishing conducted by the Galvin Exports Fishing Company.
Ren Ashfield, often called "Ash", is sitting in a shady, dimly lit cantina in the spaceport town of Galvaria, where the only limited service spaceport is located. He is sitting in a small both in one of the cantina's corners, sipping on a longdrink he rates mediocre at best.

Is the cantina very crowded (50/50)? Exceptional No (99), the place is deserted. A random event occurs (NPC Action, inform rumors). Random NPC (generated randomly since no list exists yet): Twi'lek corporate executive (how fitting).

Ash looks around and sighs, not much going on here at all. The place looks deserted. Only the barkeep is cleaning up behind the bar and a waitress is wandering about, wiping some tables. Ash's attention switches to the door. A slender Twi'lek, dressed in a fitting black suit of fine quality, enters the cantina. He wears the Galvin Export insignia on the collar of his suit and takes a look around. "A corporate brass", Ash thinks and gives him a slight nod as his gaze wanders over Ash's booth.

What kind of rumor is going around (complex)? ambush a plot (great!)

The Twi'lek appears to smile and walks up to Ash's booth and speaks in perfectly fluid basic. "Greetings captain Ashfield. You certainly are captain Ashfield are you not?" Ash was taken by surprise but tries not to show it (Man of the Streets roll vs. Corporate Executive (4), failure), apparently with not much success. "You seem surprised captain, that I know who you are." The Twi'lek shows a calculating smile. "No need to worry my dear captain. We do own this place you know. Of course we also keep an eye on our guests. We like to know who visits us. Just a small security precaution. See, with this growing so called "Rebel Alliance" stirring up trouble everywhere, a company like ours, that does business with what these terrorists call a "tyrannical regime" might very well become the focus of a terrorist attack." Ash regained his alertness after that short moment of surprise and was back to his confident self. "Well, nice to know you guys do your homework, but I bet you didn't walk all the way out of your climate controlled office just to chat with me and impress me with your fancy looking suit. Why don't we cut the chatter and get straight to the point. Which is, who are you and what do you want with me?"
"Well certainly. As far as you are concerned you can refer to me as Mr. Smith. And not only did we do our "homework", we also did it exceptionally well. Using your words we probably would get a straight A." He had an arrogant tone in his voice.
"See my dear captain. We also conducted a little background check on your little ship."

Is he trying to blackmail Ash and put some pressure on him (likely)? Yes. Does Ash's ship and the modifications violate imperial regulations (very likely)?No (89, lucky me).

"It appears as if some of the specifications on your ship are somewhat, how do we put it....irregular."
Ash smiles. "What are you trying to push on me? My specs check out just fine. As a matter of fact, I was just inspected by an imperial customs ship and they found everything to be in perfect order. I even got an imperial inspection letter with a digital watermark and seal, that states just that....Seems to me Mr. Smith your intelligence is a little outdated. Maybe you refer to an incident that happened a few weeks ago....but like I said, your information is outdated. So let's try this again...How can I be of service?"

Did Ash gain the upper hand because of this? Single action contest: Corporate Executive vs. Man of the Streets, failure.

The Twi'lek didn't seem impressed by Ash's reply. In his arrogant tone he continues. "Whatever. We still have accurate information regarding yourself. I happen to know that you are somewhat in debt to a very unpleasant individual but also that you are a very capable pilot. As a matter of fact Galvin Exports is in need of a capable and "unconventional" pilot at the moment." He stops to study Ash's reaction and impression. Single action contest: Corporate vs. Man of the Streets, success. He didn't notice anything. "Go on." was Ash's only reply. "Well, captain Ashfield, we are currently preparing a very large shipment of high-quality, high-protein, long-lasting combat rations which is to be shipped to an imperial outpost in the Outer Rim (remember the rumor? finally we get to the plot). Unfortunately we have learned a disturbing "rumor". It appears as if certain parties have an interest in hijacking or ambushing our convoy and naturally we can't take that risk."
"Yeah, tough luck. Where do I fit in in all of this? My ship is certainly not big enough to haul your tremendous amount of "fishpacks", if that's what you had in mind."
"No, it is not what I had in mind. We could easily arrange for an armed escort and I am absolutely sure that they would be more than up to the task of repelling some space pirate scum. That would be a very "short term" solution though. And it would drive the price up, which cuts our profits since the selling price is fixed by our contract. No captain, what we need are some new and secure and above all, unknown, hyperspace lanes to use, since we must assume that our current hyperspace routes are compromised. This is where you and your talents as a pilot come in. We want you to plot and chart a brand new course from here to the destination, which I will reveal to you if you accept, mark the lane with navigational beacons that we will provide for this task and test the new lane by returning here from the destination. What do you say?"
Ash was interested, but he didn't show it. (same roll as always, success)
This seemed to be indeed pretty easy. He wouldn't do anything illegal for a change and since he would be out in the middle of nowhere he probably would not run into any opposition.
"What's in it for me?"
"Well captain, I am glad you asked." He smiled sarcastically. "I am prepared to pay the sum of 10.000 Credits. 5000 up front, 5000 after your return and if all the beacons are running."
"8000 up front, 4000 after I return." Ash replied without a frown.
"I see you are not that easy to convince captain Ashfield. You seem quite sure of yourself."
"If you didn't know that I was good and can pull it off you wouldn't have approached me. People like you don't meet people like me in a deserted bar on a backwater planet by accident."
"I have to admit, your landing here was a well timed coincidence but you are correct. I probably would not have approached you. Let me check back with my superiors. Excuse me for a second."
The Twi'lek dissapears to another corner of the bar, talking into his comlink. Time for the single action contest again, success.
After a short and quiet talk, he returns to Ash's table. "Deal. 8000 now, the rest after your return."
"When do I leave?"
"We need to make some preparations and configure the beacons. Tomorrow morning. In the meantime, please enjoy a night free of charge in our executive suite in the Galvaria Excelsior Hotel, all inclusive of course."
"You know what, I think I'll do that. I always wanted to eat an overprized Fishburger delivered to me by roomservice. Let's meet tomorrow morning at 08:00 Coruscant Standard Time (CST) at my ship. Oh, and thanks for the drink. I also prefer cash if that's alright with you, so bring some nice looking credchips with you." Ash smiles and walks out of the Cantina, heading for the Galvaria Excelsior Hotel.

End of Scene, update lists:
Chaos: increases to 6
NPCs: unknown ambushers, Mr. Smith, Galvin Exports Fishing Company, Mr. Smiths superiors
Threads: chart new hyperspace route (open)

More scenes in the next post...

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