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After the Imaginary Consultation

The initial step of my first Press Gang Solo RPG project is complete!

The adventure set-up below is the result of plugging into the blank spaces a random (d12!) selection of the responses left in the comments in the last post. Thanks to all for those comments, although I may not be so grateful to Ricardo for his "exotic medieval fantasy edifice" once I get to work to make sense of the set-up (though it certainly is exotic)!

Here it is:

Within the vermin pit that is Port Blacksand, the venerable mage Nicodemus has made a troubling discovery. A newly discovered parchment from the days of Old Allansia tells of a forgotten registry of magical pets which houses the “Boisterous Device,” a work of evil hinted at in the ancient books of sorcery. The parchment indicates that the Device is somewhere in the Allansian swamp, but the location is not precise. Nicodemus believes the Device must be battled in order to stop it from doing great harm to the world, but the adventurers who take on the challenge must be prepared to release a victim from a curse and to face the wrath of Gravemystic the Resurrected!

While I get to work on that, tomorrow, I'll post what I created this weekend, a rules structure for running games in cities or other enclosed environment when the PCs face a deadline. I'd really appreciate the feedback!

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