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Some links for the solo celebration!

Before I start losing track of the comments and e-mails, I wanted to post some of the great places where solo players are indulging in Solo Tabletop Gaming Appreciation Month:

The toy soldiers belonging to Danjou's Hand seriously underestimate a zombie horde over at Tabletop Diversions.

Madcat's very brave dwarf, Adventurine Ironheart, gets lost, shipwrecked, and then bad things really start to happen to him within this RPGNet thread.

Matt is designing and testing solitaire rules for Song of Blades and Heroes to create an automated opponent over at Mono Desire.

It's tanks-a-go-go in Gratz in Bard's excellent after-action report of his Platoon Forward + Paper Tigers WWII mini-campaign.

Lots more amazing photographs have been added to Barry's Fight Your Own Battles site in recognition of the site's first anniversary!

And, somewhere out there, the brilliant and/or insane Jeff Pierce is merging Solo Gaming Month, World vs. Hero, and National Novel Writing Month into one single project...

Do feel free to share your activities during the month! I'll pass on more links as they come by.

And a big THANK YOU to everyone participating thus far! I remember when I first thought up this concept several months ago, I worried that it could have been one of the silliest ideas I'd ever had. Now, I'm glad I pursued it. I've learned a lot about gaming - both solo-style and group play -  by sharing ideas and keeping up with the ingenuity of others all in the effort to do something big this month. That effort has been well worth it!

Tomorrow from me, it's Spider-Man & the Outlaws vs. The Sinister Syndicate in Times Square. Spoiler: Sandman was pretty awesome during the battle, but which team was he on?

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