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Marvel Solo Heroclix: Phase 1, Region 4

Phase 1, Region 4: Xavier's Institute (outdoors)

Uncanny? Astonishing? X-treme? All of the above, baby!

Magneto = Awesome

This battle was the special Region 4 game after which survivors automatically advance to the Phase 3 final game. It's the final battle of Phase 1.

This was epic. It deserves a play-by-play:

The initial maneuvers were conservative. Sabretooth was in the best position
to take advantage of any X-Man wanting to gain ground.

With a game of range clearly about to dominate the middle of the field,
Rogue carried Wolverine over the lake to attack Sabretooth while shielded by large boulders.

Beast charged at Pyro, damaging him and preventing him from attacking Cyclops.

Sabretooth didn't wait for an invitation and charged Rogue.
On the next turn, Wolverine took a swipe. No one connected.

Pyro broke away from Beast, clearing the way for Magneto to make his first move.
It was a doozy; he KO'd Beast in a single Running Shot.

Cyclops took out Blob next. Throughout the game thus far,
he and Emma Frost had been poking away at the brute non-stop.

Mystique closed in on Cyclops and Emma, keeping stealthy as she did.

Then, catastrophe! Sabretooth gave Wolverine a solid slashing,
and Magneto flew to a rooftop to finish off the feral little Canadian!

Just when it looked bad for the X-Men, a Reinforcement Roll brought Professor X into the game!

Buoyed by Xavier's appearance, Emma engaged Mystique,
and Cyclops ran out and KO'd Pyro.

Magneto tried to blast Rogue but - CRITICAL MISS! The X-Men's greatest foe
took a click of damage, and the good muties were emboldened!

Mystique's blade did in Emma! Cyclops could only watch helplessly!

Meanwhile, Rogue got KO'd by Sabretooth and Magneto.
The X-Men were now SO losing.

After Cyclops dispatched Mystique, here's what the battlefield looked like.

Then, another Reinforcement Roll brought help to the X-Men - Psylocke!

Cyclops' Running Shot up to Magneto's rooftop perch produced a hit which Mags forced him to re-roll with the theme team prob bonus. But, it became a Critical Hit! Mags took serious damage!
An X-Men win was imminent!

Sabretooth charged up the roof and knocked back Cyclops, gravely wounding him.

Psylocke engaged Sabretooth, while Cyclops got around the building to finish off Magneto.

But it was not to be. Magneto blasted away Cyke, and Xavier was forced
to leave the safety of the starting area and confront his old friend/nemesis.

Magneto Perplexed up his range and scored a Critical Hit Pulse Wave.
One turn later, Sabretooth eviscerated Psylocke. It was over.

So, despite gaining 200 points-worth of reinforcements, the X-Men lost to the Brotherhood. To be clear, Magneto had only 2 clicks of life left in him, and Sabretooth was down four. That makes the win pretty amazing and justifies mowing someone's overgrown lawn in exchange for that super-rare Magneto piece, which is honestly how I got it.

So, the wounded baddies move on to the final game - Ragnarok - to join with Loki's Asgardians.

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