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New Scenario for Carsten's Solo Star Wars Minis Rules

This is so cool...

From Carsten from Germany:
Since you saw the solo Star Wars rules it's time to put it all together with a sample scenario. I put together a scenario to show how the rules can work in practice. This scenario pits rebel commandos against imperial troops and it can easily be played on Vassal, using the rules and stat lists from Dantooine Base. Just use the target markers as encounter tokens.

As with all things random, it can be a piece of cake, depending on your encounter rolls and when you get the quest encounter, or it can be tough. The key to success is to secure an area and search it while you have time, before the doom counter goes critical, to stock up on medpacs and equipment.

Enough talk....let's roll...

Data Recovery
A Star Wars Miniatures Solo Adventure

The Story
The Imperials have discovered a hidden rebel outpost and launched a devastating attack. The outpost was taken quickly, the rebel presence was eliminated or imprisoned. The ruins of the outpost are crawling with imperial troops searching for tactical data and information regarding the Rebel Alliance. The Rebel High Command has dispatched a team of elite commandos to infiltrate the base in order to recover the encryption codes before the Imperials find them and to erase all remaining tactical data. Together with members of the local resistance cell, the commandos set out to fulfill their dangerous mission.

Player's Squad:
1 Rebel Commando Strike Leader
2 Elite Rebel Commandos
2 Veteran Rebel Commandos
1 Defel Spy
1 Ishi Tib Scout
106 points total

You start the mission with five Medpacs 20 (replaces attacks, use once, remove 20 damage from self or adjacent ally). You don't need to keep track of who carries a medpac, just assume that whoever needs one has one.

Ravaged Base map from Attack on Endor scenario pack.

Player Setup:
The commandos set up at the eastern map edge outside the base.

Encounter Trigger Placement:
Place 15 encounter triggers (tokens) on the map, using the following set up:
1 encounter trigger per named room placed in the center of the room.
1 encounter trigger in every turbolift.
1 encounter trigger in every large hallway

If you have encounter triggers remaining, place additional triggers in the rooms and hallways.

As stated in the rules, encounter triggers are resolved at the end of every round if a player character has LOS to an encounter trigger AND is within 8 squares of the encounter trigger AND if no enemy models are active on the map (all conditions must be true).

If all of these conditions are met, roll one d20. On an result of 1-12 you trigger an encounter and remove the token. Place the random encounter at the token location.

On 13+ you remove the token and no encounter occurs.

Roll on the random encounter table to see what you have revealed and place the encounter as close to the token location as possible.

Mission Objective:
The commandos must obtain the encryption datacard from the quest encounter. Once the card is obtained, the commandos must reach the commanders office and one commando must erase the data at the console by standing adjacent to it and replacing his turn. The data can only be erased if no enemies are present on the map (see High Alert Rules at the quest encounter description below).

Search Result Table:
See the scenario rules for details on searching. If a character searches an area, roll 1d20 and consult the following search table:
01-05: We don't have all day! Take 1d6 and put it on the table reading 1. If you get this result again, turn the d6 to 2. Whenever you get this result again, keep turning the d6 (it's a doom counter). If the d6 reaches 6, the imperials have decrypted the codes and the mission is a failure.
06-10: nothing
11-12: Medpac 10, use once, replaces attacks, remove 10 damage from self or adjacent ally
13-14: Medpac 20, use once, replaces attacks, remove 20 damage as above
15: Medpac 30, as above, remove 30 damage as above
16: Blaster Scope, the searcher gains the Careful Shot +2 ability for the remainder of the mission.
17: Sniper Rifle, the searcher gains the Accurate Shot ability.
18: Armor, the searcher gets +2 Defense.
19: Thermal Detonators, the searcher gets the Grenades 40 ability.
20: Personal Deflector, the searcher gains the Shields 2 ability for the mission.

Random Encounter Table (1d10):
01: Stormtrooper Officer, 6x Stormtrooper
02: Felucian Stormtrooper Officer, 6x Stormtrooper
03: 4x Elite Stormtrooper
04: 4x Heavy Stormtrooper
05: Imperial Officer, 4x Elite Stormtrooper
06: Sandtrooper Officer, 5x Sandtrooper
07: Imperial Security Officer, 6x Stormtrooper
08: 5x 501st Legion Stormtrooper
09: Felucian Stormtrooper Officer, 4x Elite Stormtrooper
10: Quest Encounter: You find the dead body of the base commander and recover the encryption datacard from his body. The card enables you to gain access to the tactical information and erase it. This encounter can occur only once. If it comes up again, reroll. The last remaining token always reveals this encounter if it has not been revealed before. As you put away the card, a squad of imperials appears from around a corner: 1x Stormtrooper Officer, 6x Elite Stormtrooper.

After defeating this encounter, the Imperials go to high alert: IF no encounter token was resolved at the end of a round AND there are no enemies currently on the map, there is still a chance to encounter a patrol. Roll 1d20, on a roll of 1-4 a squad of 4 Stormtroopers appears 8 squares away from behind a door or corner or within a turbolift. Do not make this roll if you resolved a token but no encounter was triggered.

The enemies activate and act according to the Automated Opponent rules posted on the Solo Nexus blog. Remember that commandos with super stealth are not legal targets so the Stormtroopers will move to base them or move to a position where the commandos have no cover.

Awesome as ever, Carsten! Thanks!

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