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Carsten's Solo Star Wars Minis Rules, Part II

Here is the rest of Carsten's solo rules for Star Wars minis. Part I can be read HERE.

From Carsten:
I have been playing the Star Wars miniatures game from the day it came out till the day it was retired by Wizards. But since I come from an RPG background, the standard skirmishing was not really the thing for me. I couldn't get used to Boba Fett battling Boba Fett or 10.000 year old Sith Lords battling New Republic squads etc. So I started looking into scenario play with themed squads and stories. Then Wizards posted a solo adventure for their D&D miniatures game. I looked into it and that was the point I started playing solo Star Wars adventures, using the rules but modified them somewhat to account for the Star Wars differences. When I play solo, I prefer having complete control over one side and letting a ruleset play the other side

Star Wars Miniatures Solo Scenarios
These solo scenario rules use rules created for the Dungeons & Dragons miniatures solo adventure “Reclamation: Mithril Mines”, modified somewhat to better fit the Star Wars Universe. The original rules can be found here: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mi/20060126b . Credits go to Steve Winter for creating them.

First make yourself familiar with the original rules, than apply the following modifications made for Star Wars Miniatures:

• Star Wars focuses more on ranged combat, targeting rules and positioning, using abilities like Stealth, Cloaked, Accurate Shot etc. To account for that, only the LOS to encounter trigger tokens is limited to 8 squares. Line of Sight to already placed models on the map is unlimited. Models still appear at the trigger token location. The rules for concealment as stated in the D&D rules are not used, the entire LOS to models is clear.

• The distinction between Maneuver Rounds, Search Rounds and Combat Rounds is not used. You just use the normal round sequence of activations, phases and turns, regardless if there are enemies present on the map or not. If no enemies are present, you don't need to roll initiative. Every character activates and takes a normal turn. For information on searching see below.

• Your characters can search the area for equipment to use. You can search for equipment if a) no enemies are currently present on the map and b) you are within or adjacent to a section or square of low-objects (both conditions must be met). You can search every section of low-object squares as often as you want. Searching replaces the searching character's entire turn. If you search an area, you roll a d20 and find the result on the
search result table (no modifiers are applied to the roll). Create individual search result tables for the scenario you are creating. The search table should include some element of risk like booby traps or ambush encounters etc.

• To keep the number of models manageable by one player, to encourage movement and to ensure that you don't need to many models at once, only one encounter is active at a time. If you have triggered and placed an encounter, the remaining encounter triggers are inactive, as long as the models from the triggered encounter are present on the map. As soon as the last enemy from an encounter is defeated, all encounter triggers become active again.

• In order to maintain an organized round structure, encounter triggers are not resolved after every move action, they are resolved at the end of every round with enemies appearing at the end of the round before initiative is rolled for the next round. If you meet the trigger conditions for more than one encounter trigger, you start resolving them in order from nearest to farthest. You stop resolving them as soon as one trigger causes an encounter to be placed. Just like in the original rules, all resolved encounter triggers are removed from the map, whether they caused an encounter or not.

Thanks, Carsten!

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