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The Adventure of the Boisterous Device

I'm ready to distribute my Press Gang Questionnaires for Press Gang Project #1, and I'm going to exploit this weekend's holiday gatherings to make it happen!

To recap, here's the adventure premise some of you participated in creating:
Within the vermin pit that is Port Blacksand, the venerable mage Nicodemus has made a troubling discovery. A newly discovered parchment from the days of Old Allansia tells of a forgotten registry of magical pets which houses the “Boisterous Device,” a work of evil hinted at in the ancient books of sorcery. The parchment indicates that the Device is somewhere in the Allansian swamp, but the location is not precise. Nicodemus believes the Device must be battled in order to stop it from doing great harm to the world, but the adventurers who take on the challenge must be prepared to release a victim from a curse and to face the wrath of Gravemystic the Resurrected!

From the above, I created the following backstory:

The Registry of Magical Pets was a center for arcane research run by a wizardry consortium during the days shortly before the War of the Wizards. Established near a lush and beautiful rainforest teeming with wondrous creatures, the building's purpose was to catalog the ever-growing utility of familiars, animal companions, and semi-intelligent creatures that were more increasingly becoming part of the life of an Allansian wizard. The consortium also hoped to use the Registry to identify the magical potential of "normal" animals and insects as well. To this end, the members of the consortium had begun as their primary project the development of the Boisterous Device, an enchanted construct that could communicate with any creature, simple or complex. Although many wizards worked on the project, the construct's shape and size were shrouded in mystery, remaining known to only a select few.

Unfortunately, one those select few - the wizard Gravello Mystere - saw for the Boisterous Device a different purpose. He wanted to enhance its unlimited language potential to give it the power to speak irresistible words of command to any and all living things - even gods and demons! When the battle against the forces of Chaos ensued, Mystere made his move against the consortium and began murdering his brethren. The wizards fought back valiantly and defeated Mystere, but at a terrible cost. The consortium was severely weakened and unable to defend against the coming conflict. When Chaos struck, the region around the Registry of Magical Pets mutated and became a vast swamp of unspeakable vileness. The Boisterous Device was abandoned in the basement of the Registry, and Mystere's body disappeared.

Mystere's patrons - the Valjoon family, whose members insanely and fanatically believe that they rightfully should rule all of Allansia - followed his posthumous directives and began the complicated process of bringing their "advisor" back to life in the form of a Spirit Stalker. It took over 300 years and several generations of the Valjoon family, but the man now known in legend as Gravemystic has finally returned to complete the task of unleashing upon Allansia the Boisterous Device under the Valjoons' control, issuing orders through the construct that no creature, great or small, can ignore...

Next, here are the Advanced Fighting Fantasy heroes I made from the character concepts some of you provided:

Terrima, Stone Golem Wizard
Character concept by Dr. Thinker from Flubs and Boons

Dalvik, Priest Infiltrator
Character concept by Dreamer from Solo RPG Gamer

Thom Panthor, Exiled Warrior
Character concept by Anonymous

Daeuk, Thief Physician
Character concept by Chris from Just Another Wargames Blog

Now, the adventure using the Advanced Fighting Fantasy system and world concepts:

The heroes are in a race to locate the ruins of the Registry of Magical Pets before Gravemystic the Resurrected gets there. That race takes them through Fangheart Swamp, home of many vile beasts including a tribe of barbarian Lizard Men.

Nicodemus has identified three possible locations for the ruins within the swamp. The way to each one (A, B, C) from the starting point (X) is impacted by the severity of the marshy terrain. The heroes must considered which is best - speed or safety?

X to A: Difficult Terrain, Low % of Encounter
X to B: Moderate Terrain, Moderate % of Encounter
X to C: Easy Terrain, High % of Encounter

Terrain Quality
Difficult Terrain: 4 hours to destination
Moderate Terrain: 3 hours to destination
Easy Terrain: 2 hours to destination

Encounter Possibilities (checked once/hour of travel)
Low % of Encounter: 1 on 1d6
Moderate % of Encounter: 1-3 on 1d6
High % of Encounter: 1-5 on 1d6

Wandering Monsters
1 - 1-6 Lizard Men on Giant Lizards
2 - 1 Hydra with 1-6 heads
3 - 1-6 Lizard Men
4 - 1-3 Marsh Giants
5 - 1-3 Lizard Men
6 - 2-7 Giant Leeches

When heroes reach a destination, there is a 2/6 chance on 1d6 of encountering Wandering Monsters. After resolving any Wandering Monster threat, the heroes must determine if they have found the ruins of the Registry of Magical Pets. For the first destination reached, a roll of 5 or 6 on 1d6 indicates that they have found the ruins of the Registry, and the game may move on to Phase 2. Failing that roll necessitates continuing to another location. For the second destination reached, a roll of 3-6 on 1d6 indicates that they have reached the Registry. If the second roll fails, the ruins of the Registry of Magical Pets will automatically be found at the third location.

If a reached location is not the Registry, the heroes may move through the swamp to the next location to save time or they may double-back and return to their starting point. Familiarity with the terrain means that doubling-back requires 1 less hour to return to the starting location and the incidence of Wandering Monsters is automatically 1 on 1d6 per hour, regardless of the original percentage.

If the heroes push through the swamp, they follow these directives:

Location A to B: Difficult Terrain, Moderate % of Encounters
Location B to C: Moderate Terrain, High % of Encounters

Meanwhile, Gravemystic and the Valjoons are traveling through the swamp starting from the northern end (G). Their travels are tracked secretly by the Director.

All traveling times to locations mirror the times the heroes must meet, but Gravemystic will never be attacked by Wandering Monsters. Gravemystic's initial traveling direction is determined by the Director randomly; subsequent travel is always through the swamp directly, never doubling-back. Should Gravemystic reach the same destination at the same time as the heroes, they must battle him and the Valjoons instead of rolling for Wandering Monsters. After the battle, the heroes may determine if the site is indeed the ruins of the Registry. Should Gravemystic reach a different destination before the heroes have determined whether it is or isn't the ruins of the Registry, the Director keeps track of Gravemystic's early arrival, then proceeds to move the villain to the next location. If it turns out that Gravemystic had reached the ruins of the Registry before the heroes' journey had randomly determined so, he will not be met during this phase of the quest and will be confronted at the Boisterous Device in the next phase of the game.

Gravemystic, Spirit Stalker Wizard, Undead
SK 10, ST 8, MAGIC 10, MP 20;
Burning Touch for 2 damage; harmed only by silver weapons or magic;
Spells: Sleep, Command, Fly, Lightning Blast, Raise Skeleton.

Tremere Valjoon, Ambidextrous Swordsman
SK 8, ST 10, Acrobatics 3, Swords 2, Chain Cuirass;
Wields two short swords using the Ambidextrous Talent;
Family elder intent on seeing Gravemystic succeed.

Amira Valjoon, Devout of Tanit
SK 7, ST 7, Devotion 6; Naturally attuned to the god of envy;
Casts Curse, Incite, Ill-luck, and Tanit's envy power for 6 rounds.

Zoras Valjoon, Hunter
SK 10, ST 12, Hunting 4, Bows 3, Axes 2, Leather Hauberk;
Wields a Longbow and Great Axe;

Believes himself to be the superior predator.

Ruined by the war, the Chaos-born swamp, and time itself, the Registry of Magical Pets is an assemblage of worn stone walls swallowed up by thick vegetation. No animal life goes near the ruins, and each hero can sense a "hum" of magical activity within.

The interior of the Registry is a mire-wrecked mess. Very little remains of any use.

With the roof just a skeleton of fragmented stone beams and dead tree limbs, the sun streams into this area in patches of bright light OR the moon light shines through touching everything with a silvery glow. There are three rooms to move through before reaching the entrance to the staircase accessing the basement.

Vestibule - Protected by an Eagle Ward; upon entrance, a section of the air will shimmer in gold rune-shaped light for a few seconds blocking passage to the next area; if the heroes remain, their ears are assailed by the sound of a Giant Eagle screeching as it plummets toward its prey. Any hero with Second Sight may make an opposed test versus 13, or any hero may roll a LUCK test. Failure means a hero is overcome by fear, reducing his or her SKILL by 2 for 24 hours or until a spell of strength, blessing, or bravery is cast on the afflicted hero. There is nothing of value in this room.

Hall - Protected by a Bull Ward; upon entrance, a section of the air will shimmer in purple rune-shaped light for a few seconds blocking passage to the next area; if the heroes remain, the rune light charges at them. Any hero with Acrobatics, Dodge, Jump, or Second Sight may make an opposed test versus 13, or any hero may roll a LUCK test. Failure pushes a hero against the far end of the hall, causing 1d6 damage. At the base of the wall is a pile of bones of past victims of the Bull Ward. Buried amid the bones are 20 gp, 35 sp, a sword of silver, a magic compass (once/day can be asked for directions to anywhere, anything, or anyone), rusted chain, and useless bits of leather.

Showroom - Protected by a Serpent Ward; upon entrance, a section of the air will shimmer in green rune-shaped light for a few seconds blocking passage to the next area; if the heroes remain, the rune light becomes a serpentine length of light that slithers around the heroes. Any hero with Acrobatics, Sneaking, Strength, or Second Sight may make an opposed test versus 13, or any hero may roll a LUCK test. Failure means that the snake light coils around the hero and squeezes for 1d3 damage while destroying all potion bottles carried by that hero (as well as any other delicate objects at the Director's discretion). The room was once a showcase for the findings of the wizard consortium. Most displays are in ruins, but a muddied 4m x 3m tapestry hanging on a wall is conspicuously intact. It is decorated with arcane symbols, complex diagrams, and images of animals. A successful unopposed Magic Lore test will reveal that the tapestry appears to contain lost arcane knowledge of the magical animal kingdom, but understanding it all will require many hours of deciphering.

Stairwell - This is the way down to the Registry's basement. It is narrow and can only accommodate a single-file line. The heroes need to choose their order before going.

The heroes will need their own light sources to see their way through this area.

Quicksand - The first hero to the bottom of the stairs steps into quicksand and must immediately make an unopposed SKILL test to maintain balance and not fall fully into the quicksand. Success means that five rescue attempts are allowed to get the hero out of the quicksand; failure means that only three attempts are allowed. The patch of quicksand is indistinguishable from the rest of the floor, but, in fact, there is only a 2m x 2m area of it. The trapped hero can be assisted only by the hero immediately behind him and only if that hero has the Strength Special Skill (making an opposed roll vs. 10) or another appropriate ability. If other heroes need to switch places in the stairwell, the action costs a rescue attempt. If the victim makes an attempt, all rolls are made at -3.

The Workroom - This area is proof that the Registry was not as noble an outfit as it claimed to be. Operating tables and strange, rusted surgical implements are scattered about in various states of deterioration. Disintegrating parchments hanging on the walls depict diagrams of vivisected magical pets. The stone door to the room housing the Boisterous Device is at the far end and is carved with the images of five animal mouths. Inside each mouth is a tumbler. Only Gravemystic or a hero with the Locks Special Skill may try to open the door, but that hero only gets one SKILL test attempt that cannot be re-rolled - and only a 6,6 will succeed; LUCK may not be used. The door is protected by multiple wards, and no physical or magical assault can penetrate it. However, in a covered cage nearby is a living krell, the victim of the curse of excessively prolonged life due to consortium experimentation. If the krell's cage is unlocked (Locks Skill -2) it will try to communicate to the heroes that it will unlock the tumblers if they promise to kill it by cutting off its head. If the door is opened and the promise isn't kept, the krell will attack as per normal krell stats, but it will also belch fire (a byproduct of experiments) each round, inflicting 1d6-1 points of fire damage to every hero (rolled for each) in the same room. A hero damaged by this fire will automatically take another 1-3 points of damage during the next round, plus more if the krell belches again. When the krell is reduced to 0 STAMINA or less, it will not die; it will lay in place, begging for its head to be cut off. If no one does it within five minutes, the krell will be at full STAMINA again and will attack once more.

The Boisterous Device - If Gravemystic got here first, he and the Voljoons will have to be fought first in this virtually empty room. Once Gravemystic is defeated, the heroes can concentrate on the Boisterous Device, the only thing in here. It is a man-sized marble statue with "joints" of glowing pink energy orbs. It vaguely resembles a centaur, but the horse half bears more of a resemblance to a horseshoe crab's body. The human half is an armless torso covered in dozens of mouths of every conceivable shape and size. If Gravemystic is not in the room or is in the room but was destroyed, the Boisterous Device will attack first with a cacophony of voices (make a LUCK test or be disoriented with a SKILL penalty of -3), and then will melee attack with SK 10, ST 18, Medium Bite, Heavy Armor, 3 Attacks, and it can only be harmed by blunt instruments and spells. When the Boisterous Device is destroyed, it will shatter, revealing 8 precious gems inside. Each gem is worth 1d6 x 100 gps.

Based on all of the above, here is the newly-structured questionnaire that will be given to people - one per hero - so that I might run the game "solo" as per the spirit of the original Press Gang Questionnaire process:

Please answer each of the following in the context of the given character description.

When travelling through a dangerous swamp in a race against evil to reach a critical location, which is your preference?
A. A slow and safe journey
B. A moderately fast and moderately dangerous journey
C. A speedy yet dangerous journey

If the critical location is not immediately found, which is your preference?
A. Directly pushing through the swamp - faster, but more dangerous
B. Doubling back through familiar territory - slower, but less dangerous

After encountering how many dangerous magical wards should you take the hint and go back home?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. I never retreat!

Who should lead the party into a dark, narrow stairwell?
A. Whoever has the highest current STAMINA
B. Whoever has the highest current SKILL
C. Whoever has the highest current LUCK
D. Stupid question. The warrior should always be in the lead.

If a living being claims that it wants to die, should you kill it?
A. Yes
B. No

Once you finally reach your objective, which should you do?
A. Obey the mission objective and destroy the powerful artifact
B. Understand the artifact better and acquire it for yourself

Next week, I'll "run" the game using the results of the questionnaires as per the rules I created in October. Keeping within the spirit of my solo-to-social philosophy, my hope is to use the questionnaire solo gaming experience to not only satisfy my urge to play Advanced Fighting Fantasy, but also to test the adventure for future group play with real players.

Thanks to everyone who accepted being pressed into service! Happy holidays!

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