Continued from HERE.
4. How can the fight be brought to the enemy, gaining ground for the heroic motivation?
Be the PCs first:
Encounter: pursuit
Place: Orc Hills Cavern, Northern Wilds, same time
After destroying the zombies, Orsini tells Don Pantaloni to convince The Spring to take them to where the orcs had come from and where the orc chief had stolen the zombified Sea Claws sailors from the "Five Dancing Demon Kings."
Be the GM next:
Story Cube: whip
The Spring smiles and drools, saying it would be happy to leave. Many of the now-leaderless orcs that had survived the battle with the apes had blamed The Spring for influencing their chief with his supposed visions, leading them to this most southerly region. Those who do not believe that he is "the spring of the mind of Gruumsh" want to punish him. In fact, the orcs that the heroes had just killed were arguing that very point when the heroes arrived. Most of those orcs wanted to defend The Spring, but now they're dead! The ones who want him punished are actually on the way!
Be the PCs once more:
After Don Pantaloni translates this for the others, Orsini unsheathes his sword, Liliana hides in the shadows, and Gino immediately thinks of a clever spell to use. Don Pantaloni sighs and cannot believe he'll be defending an orc rather than having one of his luxurious morning back rubs today.
5. How can any heroic gains from the results of Q4 suddenly be undermined as new information about the true face/scheme/power of the enemy becomes known?
Be the GM first:
Story Cube: setting something on fire
Encounter: combat
Place: Orc Hills Cavern, Northern Wilds, same time
Sure enough, more orcs can be heard entering the cavern. They immediately react with rage at the sight of their fallen fellow orcs, and they rush forward toward the chief's "treasure" room. Several carry torches, intent on burning The Spring to death.
Be the PCs next:
Gino casts Fog Cloud in the narrowest part of the natural corridor. As the orcs enter the cloud, they momentarily stop, but the lights of some of their torches make them targets nonetheless for the arrows of Liliana and Don Pantaloni. Gino sends a Flaming Sphere into the orc crowd - which outnumbers the heroes - and more pain and confusion assail the brutes. Orsini charges forward to meet the braver orcs that venture through the cloud. Several of the creatures are killed, and the remaining ones flee the caves
Be the GM once more:
The Spring offers his slobbering thanks all over the front of Don Pantaloni's breeches, but oddly adds that they've still failed anyway.
6. How can the adverse results from Q4 and Q5 be further intensified, forcing the heroes to commit to a do-or-die course of action in accordance with the heroic motivation?
Be the GM first:
Story Cube: sheep [NOTE: This immediately made me think of Odysseus & the Cyclops]
Encounter: pursuit
Place: Orc Hills Cavern, Northern Wilds, same time
A terrible rumbling suddenly shakes the cavern and the entrance to the cave collapses! The Spring says that those who got away and had been planning on killing him were also planning on causing a rock slide to trap the zombies. And that's what they just did!
Be the PCs next:
Trying to move any of the fallen boulders is completely impossible. Gino [recall natural lore] is certain, though, that if he can locate while in dog form a soft spot in the ground, Don Pantaloni's Magic Missile force damage might be able to create an opening into an adjacent tunnel that they might be able to get through - or at least Gino can in squirrel form to go out and get help. Either way, there's a risk of a collapse.
Be the GM once more:
The Spring mutters, "Die if we stay...die if we go..."
Home » Rory's Story Cubes » L'amore tra i mostri: Session 6, Q4-6
L'amore tra i mostri: Session 6, Q4-6
L'amore tra i mostri,
Rory's Story Cubes
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