Previously: Dr. Moonlight, Matterhorn, and Atom Bombshell pursued the leader of the invading strike force into the portal to find themselves on a deck within a huge clear sphere in another galaxy. They attacked the alien, but he was easily able to physically best them. However, Dr. Moonlight's mental blasts wore away at the alien's composure, and he broke down. The alien - Krudje the Redeeminator of the Rigelliax System - revealed that his mission was to prevent the 11 Prophecies of Doom, the first of which stated that Lucas Luna (Dr. Moonlight) was destined to destroy one of the Rigelliax worlds. Krudje has summoned the Black Armada to enter the portal to obliterate Lucas Luna's neighborhood of Brightside and all who live there.
7. Where can the heroic motivation be most effectively redeemed?
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After learning he is fated to become powerful enough to destroy an entire planet, Dr. Moonlight gets overwhelmed with emotion and pride in his future self. A tear rolls down his cheek. Atom Bombshell rouses him out of his reverie, reminding him of their current predicament. With only seconds before Krudje regains his composure, they need to act. Dr. Moonlight uses his Super Brain to try to think of what a hero would do now, and he figures it would be either to gain control of the portal or to try to make friends with Krudje. After a millisecond's consideration, he quickly snatches up some alien equipment and gets to work on controlling the portal.
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Story Cube: Key
Though still woozy, Krudje is able to press a button on one of his gloves, cutting the power to the portal and forcing it into lockdown mode.
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Dr. Moonlight desperately tries to gain back control of the portal by outsmarting Krudje (Aptitude: Technology vs. Technology), and he does (16 to 14)! The portal is his!
8. Where does the final showdown between the heroes and the enemy take place in relation to the results of Question 7?
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Story Cube: Blank Word Bubble (the empty space inspired me)
Encounter: The enemy nears completion of its goals and the enemy takes aggressive action against the heroes.
Krudje roars in fury at being bested again by Dr. Moonlight. He aims his telekinetic power glove at the super scientist who cannot fly fast enough away from the attack (missed it by 2) and then flings him into the portal! The feedback from Moonlight's controller causes the swirling energy to expand and swallow up the entire contents of the giant space-sphere! In seconds, Dr. Moonlight, Atom Bombshell, the unconscious Matterhorn, Krudje, and space-sphere debris tumble helplessly through a vortex of nothingness, somewhere in the space between space itself. Soon, joining them in the nothingness, there appears a great "shadow" of incomprehensible proportions. It is the Black Armada of Rigelliax II on its way to destroy Brightside!
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Dr. Moonlight tries to gain control over the swirling nothingness (Rating 15 - Daunting), but he first needs to evade the attempt by Krudje to use the telekinetic glove to pull the controller away from him. Fortunately, Moonlight's knowledge of physics gives him an edge in the vortex, and he keeps hold of the controller. Atom Bombshell shouts obscenities at Krudje to come after her, but the alien keeps his composure, determined to reach Moonlight. Meanwhile, Dr. Moonlight fails to control the energy tossing the lot of them about, and things begin to look grim. Krudje gets another chance to get the controls, but, amazingly, the alien is too slow this time (he gets a total of 7 on 4d6!), and Atom Bombshell takes advantage, using an awesome burst of fortitude to grapple the alien! Dr. Moonlight tries again to master the controls of the vortex, and, this time, he succeeds! Atom Bombshell stands up to a punch from Krudje, giving Moonlight the time he needs to make adjustments to the controls. In the meantime, Matterhorn wakes up to find himself floating in a surreal landscape with a legion of black alien ships closing in on him! A sudden burst of white light and the sound of a great WHOOSH is heard, and Dr. Moonlight shouts to Atom Bombshell to let go of Krudje, which she does. Krudje, who screams threats at Moonlight, is pulled toward the white light. Dr. Moonlight proclaims, "I am Lucas Luna!" to the alien as Krudje is sucked out of the vortex, a twisted look of astonishment and rage on his ugly blue face. Quickly, Dr. Moonlight grabs hold of Atom Bombshell's hand, and the girl does the same with Matterhorn as the Black Armada gets closer and closer. Another bright white opening within the vortex then appears. The three supers go through it and find themselves falling toward the waters of the Brightside Marina below them. Dr. Moonlight gains control of his descent by using his moon suit's flight power while the other two splash down safely. As the Black Armada is about to follow them through the opening, Dr. Moonlight makes a few adjustments to the controls, and the vortex twists into the shape of a möbius loop and disappears, trapping the Black Armada in eternal nothingness. To be safe, Moonlight destroys the controls.
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Galaxian seems to betray on his typically non-emotive countenance an expression of contempt for the aliens' failure. He deactivates the pyramid barrier and zips off into space.
9. Where does the world stand after the results of Questions 7 and 8?
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Story Cube: Alien Face (I swear I did not cheat!)
In the middle of the Pacific Ocean on the remote island of Uka Tuka, Krudje the Redeeminator lies prone in the center of a crater that was created when he crashed in the middle of the Uka Tuka jungle. He opens his eyes, clenches his fists, and whispers the name "Lucas Lunaaaa..."
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The heroes did not further their aims to become an accepted super hero team, but they did certainly save the day. They earn 1D which, for now, I'll just put into their Competency Pools.
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The fish cube has been upside-down this entire time. |
Great fun!!! Hope you liked it!
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