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Marvel Solo Heroclix: Phase 2, Region 2

Phase 2, Region 2: Central Park Zoo ("Centennial Park Zoo" map)

The reformed villain cliche, once a great comic, now meh.

M.O.D.O.K.'S 11
Yeah, it's only 5, but MODOK's head is good for almost 6 more.

MODOK's 11 is a bit of a joke team. Unfortunately for the Thunderbolts, the previous phase's Region 2 survivors included Dr. Doom and a full-powered Dr. Octopus, along with four other characters, bringing the villains' point total to a ludicrous 1,192 versus the Thunderbolts' 585 total points.

Let's not pretend there was any suspense. The Thunderbolts lost.

Instead, let's pretend that MODOK is writing the rest of this blog entry.

I, MODOK, will attempt to make you inferiors understand my greatness, even though your heads are surely too small to sufficiently comprehend the ways of one such as MODOK!

Today, I, MODOK, traveled to the zoo to acquire fresh specimens for our experiments after yesterday's sharkanzeeephant incident back at A.I.M. headquarters did not, shall we say, perform to acceptable non-staff-eating levels. DO NOT TRY TO DECIPHER THE MASTERPLANS OF MODOK - MERELY TREMBLE HELPLESSLY AT THE POSSIBILITY OF WINGED GIRAFFODILES! BWA, HA, HA, HA, HA! OBEY!

When my minions and I, MODOK, arrived at the zoo, other supervillains joined us, clearly in an effort to LEARN FROM MODOK! And learn, they did! Yes, learn they did! LEARNING FROM MODOK IS LIKE LEARNING FROM TWENTY PROFESSORS ENHANCED BY STEROIDS, CYBERNETIC IMPLANTS, AND FOUR LOKO ENERGY DRINKS! LEARN!

For I, MODOK, was magnificent! When the Thunderdolts showed up to interfere with my work, I led the attack against them! 

Fixer, a former fellow evil scientist, used his special power to make a Laser Turret. Pathetic. I, MODOK, would have made a LASER TANK THE SIZE OF GUAM! DO NOT STEAL THE IDEAS OF MODOK OR YOU WILL DIE! THE GUAM TANK IS ON MODOK'S TO-DO LIST, A LIST YOU CANNOT HOPE TO FATHOM WITH YOUR SMALL HEAD!

The Thunderbutts could not take the hint to go away, not even when that hint was a DEVASTATING MENTAL BEAM projected from the large-tastic mind of me, MODOK! Dr. Doom simply watched from afar, and Dr. Octopus soon was KO'd by the combined efforts of FIVE heroes. FIVE! HA! Octopus was easy! What hope would the heroes have against TRUE scientific mega-brilliance?

NO HOPE! Soon, small heads were unconscious all over the zoo grounds, and only the great scientific minds of Scientist Supreme, Dr. Doom, and me, MODOK, remained to watch the last two Thunderklutzes Fixer and Songbird run away like scared children!

Now, I, MODOK, shall attend the evil after-party of Ragnarok! DO NOT TRY TO PREDICT HOW TERRIFYING MODOK WILL BE ON THAT DAY! Rather, practice begging MODOK for mercy. Yes, practice. Preferably in the mirror.


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